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Het Vlaams Bijeninstituut heeft voor de tweede maal een eindejaarsenquête uitgevoerd bij imkers aangaande de effecten van de Aziatische hoornaar op de bijenvolken. Dit jaar hebben 446 imkers meegedaan met de enquête wat een stijging is van bijna 50% ten aanzien van 2023. Deze imkers vertegenwoordigen 5000 bijenvolken in Vlaanderen.

We polsten naar extra verliezen waarvan de exoot oorzaak kan zijn.  De bijen staan voor de winterperiode. De norm van jaarlijkse verliezen aan volken door wintersterfte is 10%. Een norm die de voorbije decennia door diverse factoren steeds overschreden is. De vrees dat de Aziatische hoornaar een extra percentage aan verliezen veroorzaakt, werd door ons onderzoek opnieuw bevestigd.

93 % van de imkers heeft de aanwezigheid en de predatie van de Aziatische hoornaar dit jaar opgemerkt aan hun bijenvolken. De predatie van bijen door de Aziatische hoornaar is in Vlaanderen in 2024 quasi algemeen. 39% van de imkers heeft dit najaar zelfs vastgesteld dat hoornaars de bijenkasten betreden.  Dit laatste cijfer is zeer alarmerend. De hoornaars zijn langer actief dan de honingbijen en bijen zijn dan een makkelijke prooi wat hun kans op overleven in de winter sterk verkleint.

Nog voor de wintersterfte als jaarlijks fenomeen optreedt, werd er een verlies van 19,4 % van de gecontroleerde bijenvolken teruggevonden.

De Aziatische hoornaar veroorzaakt dus met zekerheid een bijkomend verlies aan bijenvolken. Het verlies gemeten in het najaar vertegenwoordigt nu reeds meer dan de normale van de wintersterfte.

11% van de imkers geeft aan te stoppen met imkeren ten gevolge van de verliezen door de Aziatische hoornaar terwijl nog eens 20% het overwegen om te beëindigen.

Het Vlaams Bijeninstituut betreurt maar begrijpt de melding van vele imkers dat zij stoppen met hun activiteiten. De bestuiving van onze gewassen kan daarbij in het gedrang komen. De schade aan de algehele biodiversiteit veroorzaakt door de Aziatische hoornaar kunnen we vandaag niet meten maar we achten deze bijzonder hoog.

A new study has shown that although the UK has suitable climate and habitat for the yellow-legged hornet, also known as the Asian hornet, effective action has prevented this voracious predator of pollinators from establishing here. The invasive non-native species has devastated honeybee colonies in France and Italy. It arrived in France in a container of pottery from China about 20 years ago, then spread rapidly across the continent, and was first seen in the UK in 2016. There have been regular sightings in the UK including 44 confirmed so far this year, mostly in Kent and East Sussex, but the National Bee Unit responds rapidly to reports, destroying the insects and nests found. The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) has led a study to assess the environmental suitability of European countries for establishment and spread of the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) and this work was the first to consider the potential extent of invasion by this species that would have occurred in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands if rapid eradication had not taken place. 

Widespread threat

Using modelling approaches, they concluded that environmental suitability varied across Europe with areas of high suitability in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, the UK and Ireland. As of December 2023, the yellow-legged hornet is considered to be established in France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Jersey.

The EU-funded study, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, found that over 1,500km2 in the UK would have been colonised by 2020 without action to tackle the invasive non-native species.

Lead author Dr Richard Hassall of UKCEH explains: “No significant spread has yet been reported in UK and while there has been recent establishment in Germany and the Netherlands, our predictions suggest that the attempts to tackle the yellow-legged hornet in these countries have so far been successful in limiting its spread.

“This is due to the fantastic efforts by vigilant members of the public who report suspected sightings of yellow-legged hornets, then rapid action by the authorities to locate and eradicate the insects and nests found. 

“Significant resources have gone into monitoring and slowing the spread of this invasive non-native species in the UK and parts of Europe, so it is encouraging to find these efforts appear to have been effective.”

Asian and European hornets compared

Aiding identification

UKCEH oversees the alert system for Britain which enables people to report potential sightings of a number of priority invasive non-native species. The yellow-legged hornet is one such species and there are various ways that people can submit their reports. The Asian Hornet Watch app, which has received around 12,500 reports of sightings from the public in the UK so far this year, though only a fraction of these are confirmed as yellow-legged hornet, with most observations actually of the native European hornet or hoverflies and other insects that look similar to the yellow-legged hornet. 

The Asian hornet has recently been renamed the yellow-legged hornet in part to aid correct identification. In addition to checking the guides on the app and online, the public is asked to submit a clear photograph with their recorded sightings to help experts quickly identify whether it is a yellow-legged hornet.

Key role of citizen science

Professor Helen Roy of UKCEH and the University of Exeter, a co-author of the study, says: “We are grateful to everyone who is helping to track the spread of the yellow-legged hornet. The contributions of volunteers to citizen science initiatives such as the Asian Hornet Watch app are inspiring. The yellow-legged hornet is a voracious predator and has caused notable losses of honeybees in parts of Europe, and we predict there would be major impacts to wild pollinators in the UK if it establishes here.” Along with UKCEH and the GB Non‐Native Species Secretariat, the latest study also involved the University of Turin and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The research team says the modelling framework developed in their study could be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions for other invasive non-native species, as well as for risk assessment and guiding surveillance and management.